Andalusia, Stories

A Road Trip To Andalusia

Andalusia. It can easily be described as a unique destination, since it is essentially a crossroads of cultures, sounds, tastes and beauty, a piece of Arabia in the heart of Spain.

The place where Federico Garcia Lorca, Pablo Picasso and Velasquez lived and created, is a blessed area with sun, great architectural features, fiery temperament and the most typical examples of assembly of the East with the West that one can encounter on a travel destination.

The photographic tribute by Constantinos Sofikitis focuses on the special ambience of historic towns and places, the rotation of the architectural style and the lively temperament of Andalusian residents, which is easily understood under the prism of their occupations and their way of fun and culture bearing on their daily lives.. After all, we should not forget that flamenco was born in this region.

A lively side of the Mediterranean, with a rich history, multicultural character and aura of passion, poetry and spirit permeating every photo click to popular landmarks, such as Sevilla, Cordoba and Granada.