Cuba, Stories

Cuba, Trapped in a time wrap?

Palm trees, colonial baroque, vintage American cars, walking in its endless coastline, aged rum, seniors who enjoy sweet nights on the steps of houses and younger who are setting up impromptu dance parties in the streets. Images that make up the everyday life character and the flavour of Cuba.

In this part of the world there are no specific rules, Cuba is every time the place you want it to be and despite the fact that it is a poor country, it soon proves to be a magical place with a rich soul, history and culture.

The photographic journey by Constantinos Sofikitis a few months ago in this so special place, is focused on the Cuban essence and that particular substance of any destination is always the people who inhabit it, who define the color and mold the daily setting of its unique character.

Apart from the obvious, such as the unique natural scenery, rich history, the revolution that established this country, the production of tobacco and alcohol which are synonymous with high quality globally, in Constantinos’ photos one encounters the less visible side of Cuba, such as the heroes of the everyday life, who breathe and act with an open soul to the new, with optimism about the difficult and with the keen desire to show to anyone who visits their land, all those special features of the culture and life philosophy that governs them.

Cuba definitely consists of its people.